Our Training

Our Equality, Diversity & Inclusion Training (EDI) provides a thorough understanding of race, protected characteristics and gender equality, and how each person can become an ally. You will understand how commonly used language and the recognition of unconscious bias can be adjusted to create a more welcoming environment for those around you. We have delivered over EDI training to over 100 organisations and have developed this programme to be undertaken as an individual or as part of a group of colleagues. Would you like to support marginalised groups by increasing your understanding? This course is for you.

Learner Profile

  • You want to learn more about how to implement equality, diversity and inclusion into your organisation.

  • You want to understand how to make your recruitment practices more inclusive.

  • You want to learn more about allyship in the workplace.

Our Expertise

Our work is research-driven and expert-led. We design and deliver a range of courses designed to further your professional development. Subject matter includes how to recognise and overcome Imposter Syndrome, Building an Authentic Leadership Brand and Network and an introduction to Board Basics.

Our Professional Development learning offer spans research and reports, coaching, webinars, face-to-face training and sector specific conferences.